Powered by the Snapdragon X Elite, the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x and ThinkPad T14s prides itself as the first next generation Copilot+ PCs running Snapdragon processors. Under this label, the devices boasts Intelligent...
Tag - Lenovo
Blending into various lifestyles: Lenovo Yoga Tab 11
As tablets continue to serve as a bridge between smartphones and computers, Lenovo is determined to help consumers rekindle the joy of using the same device for entertainment and work. Starting off, this tablet features...
Lenovo ThinkStation P350 Desktop Workstations brings more power without breaking the bank
If you are in the market for a powerful desktop without fiddling around with the individual components, Lenovo’s newly released ThinkStation P350 Desktop Workstations might be your calling. Available in 3 sizes –...
Lenovo Go announces a series of accessories to empower your working experience
Lenovo has recently announced a series of peripherals under its sub-brand Lenovo Go, a category focused on purpose-built PC accessories. Designed to empower productivity users in the era of remote working, the brand...
Offset your company’s carbon footprint with Lenovo
Lenovo has recently launched its Lenovo CO2 Offset Services in Singapore. This offers businesses the ability to compensate for the environmental impact of operations with its CO2 Offset Services. The program was first...
Trying out the world’s first foldable PC: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold Review
Ever had trouble deciding between a tablet or a laptop? Getting a tablet brings about portability while a laptop could provide that additional processing power that you need on the go. Perhaps your choice won’t matter...
Lenovo announces its new line of Legion gaming laptops for 2021
Whether you are looking to work or game, Lenovo’s Legion 2021 Collection got you covered! Delivering to you with the latest in AMD and NVIDIA processors, Lenovo’s Legion is going all out with the high resolutions 16”...
Lenovo officially opens flagship store in Funan that can host 5v5 gaming tournaments
Singapore, 18 July 2019 – Lenovo has just officially opened their flagship store in Funan at a media event held earlier today. The new store boasts a total 4,500 square feet to offer product showcases, integrated...