Leveraging on the global short video trend, the beta version of YouTube Shorts is now available in Singapore, joining the list of 26 available countries with this feature. This new release will include the Shorts’ creation tool, on top of the existing viewing feature for overseas content.
Shorts’ creation tool includes a multi-segment camera that can combine multiple video clips together for a total of 60 seconds. Users can also record with music and control speed settings. The tool also includes enhanced features such as colour correction through filters and the adding of clips from the phone’s gallery.
Users will not be limited to the choice of music from the Shorts library as they can sample audio from all videos found across YouTube. Existing content creators can also opt-out if they do not wish for their long-form video to be remixed into Shorts.
Shorts will soon appear on a tab on mobile to make it easier for users to watch Shorts with a simple tap. The video player lets you swipe vertically from one video to the next. While you are at it, catch your local content creators, notably Night Own Cinematics, TheSmartLocal and Wah!Banana.
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